- 09
- Dec
- 2009
Eliminating Hunger in Livingston County
- Posted ByAdmin
- InPress Releases
Announcing formation of the Livingston County Hunger Council – led by Chairperson, Jerry Olinik – broad cross-section of community leaders – organizational meeting held October 29, 2009
- In response to a comprehensive report, the 2007 Blueprint to End Hunger in Michigan, which identified a 51% gap in resources needed to meet the basic nutritional needs of over 10,000 Livingston County men, women, and children living in poverty. Early efforts over the last six months, which included the Summer Lunch Bunch program, increases in meals provided by Gleaners, and Senior Nutrition weekend meals for the homebound, already reduced this gap by 13.6%.
- The “Face” of hunger in Livingston County:
- parents skipping meals to leave more for their children
eating less expensive, non-nutritious foods to stretch the food dollars
running out of food before there is money to replace it
rising health risks due to poor nutrition
school children having only one nutritious meal a day – lunch at school
many are embarrassed and ashamed to find themselves in need of help
- There is much we can do to eliminate hunger in Livingston County
build capacity for local food banks and pantries
make highly nutritious foods, such as fresh produce, more available
improve access and coordination of community food programs
optimize government food programs
get involved in this important task – eliminate hunger in Livingston County
Attend one of these first sub-committee meetings to help:
FRESH PRODUCE – 10:00 a.m., December 8, 2009, at the United Way office. Call Michelle Ounanian at 866-453-2637, ext. 335.
FOOD STAMP OUTREACH – 1:00 p.m., December 10, 2009, at the United Way office. Call Donna Gehringer at 810-494-3000.
NUTRITION EDUCATION – 2:30 p.m., December 14, 2009, at the United Way office. Call Jennifer Lavelle at 517-546-9850, ext. 467.
PANTRY NETWORK – 2:00 p.m., December 16, 2009, at the United Way office. Call Allison Krys at 517-546-8500.
Contact your church food pantry or meal program, or a community-based food program to find out how you can volunteer.
If you know of someone who needs help, they can apply on-line for government food assistance at http://www.mibridges.michigan.gov/access, or call 1-800-481-4989 for more information.
Send your monetary donations to Livingston County Basic Needs Workgroup, and designate “Hunger Council”, in care of Livingston County United Way, 2980 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116, to support local hunger programs.
For more information, call Livingston County United Way, at 810-494-3000.